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Attracting Your Ideal Clients: A Guide for New Business Owners

Attracting your ideal clients might seem straightforward at first, but new business owners, this blog post is for you!

I am currently away in Margaret River by myself. Does anyone else ever feel the need to get away for a few days to reset, remove chaos, be still, and seek peace and quiet? I was in desperate need of solace. When I first arrived at my original stay, I got out of my car and all I could hear were cars, motorbikes, and trucks. I was staying in this beautiful setting amongst nature, but it was literally right on a busy highway.

A Quick Decision for Peace

I had to think fast. This is not what I wanted. I didn’t want to feel like I was in the city, where I had just come from. So, I called a place nearby, away from the main road. The owner was incredibly kind and offered me a three-bedroom chalet, nestled amongst the gum trees and a dam, and I made the choice to sacrifice a fireplace and bathtub for no sounds of trucks or cars. $$ It cost me in the end, but hey, you can’t put a price on peace and serenity, right?

margaret river

Blissful Solitude

So here I am, sitting in a quiet space with nature, me, an owl by my window, and my laptop. Bliss.

Why Attracting All Clients Can Be Problematic

What’s the big deal? Why could attracting all clients be a problem? Wouldn’t that be what any business wants—welcoming all business? It certainly sounds appealing when you’re just trying to get your business off the ground. However, believe it or not, established businesses also find this an ongoing struggle.

The Impact of Your Surroundings

Let’s look at this from a different perspective: there’s an old saying that goes, “you attract who you hang around with.” If you surround yourself with people who have low standards, dress poorly, speak poorly, are negative, and lack values or integrity, you’ll likely adopt these traits to fit into that group.

Conversely, if you spend your time with high-functioning, value-driven, educated people who present themselves well, you will likely become like them.

Understanding Education Beyond Academia

When I talk about educated people, I don’t just mean those who spent half their lives at university. My view of educated people includes those who continuously grow and better themselves. For instance, some people, like my father, are dyslexic yet function highly in other areas you wouldn’t expect from someone with impeccable vocabulary and literacy. I exhibit signs of dyslexia under immense stress and lack of sleep. I also show signs of dyscalculia, which means I can’t just copy numbers without checking it 5 or 6 times, and even then, I might miss a digit. There you go, you know my weakness. But I have learned that I excel in areas that other “super” intelligent people might not. So, understand that in my view, educated people don’t fall into just one category.

Establishing Your Ideal Client

Back on topic – The same principle applies in business. First, you want to establish your ideal client. This is absolutely necessary and crucial for all businesses to understand. If you target just anyone, you’ll open up a whole can of worms, stunt your business growth, miss opportunities, and potentially cost you money.

How to Identify Your Target Market

You need to analyse your current market, understand who your ideal clients are, and how you like to help and work with these particular clients. For example, I don’t just design logos for business owners. Clients who only want a logo often aim to save money, lack understanding of branding, and don’t appreciate the work involved. They won’t invest in it and won’t value my efforts, equals potential nightmare. Proven fact!

Therefore, I don’t advertise my work as just logo design. I present my work as branding—an art, a strategy, and a reflection. If I receive a request for just a logo, I generally decline politely and refer them to Fiverr. I am here to work with clients who understand the value I provide. When I attract these clients, 99% of my clientele are incredible to collaborate with. They know me, understand my work, trust me, and I take on their projects as if they were my own. It is crucial to build your online presence in a way that draws in those perfect clients who want your services/products and know what they will be getting because of how you have advertised it and built it with reputation.

The Importance of Communication and Standards

This isn’t just about aesthetics. It’s about the way you communicate and uphold your standards. If you use casual, unprofessional language, you diminish your standards. While authenticity is crucial, so are standards. When you start to take yourself seriously, others will too.


Attracting your ideal clients takes time, and as your business grows, so will your understanding of who your ideal clients are. It’s okay to explore and refine your vision of the ideal client, figuring out what truly fills your cup. It’s always important to continuously be mindful of this and develop on it. When you begin to draw a similar ideal client, it will create a ripple effect, and your client base will keep getting better and better. Keep refining your approach and remember that this process is ongoing, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

Read blog on Understanding the Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs 






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Natasha Brady