moving a business
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Essential Advice for Relocating Your Business

Moving a business can be a daunting task. A lot will go through your mind before such a big step, and it is natural to feel some doubt from time to time. I know I did when I relocated my business to Mandurah, Western Australia. However, there is one thing you can do that will save you a lot of heartache, and that’s create a relocation plan well before you actually move. This vision, coupled with an action plan, will give you a massive head start and plenty of peace of mind.

So what are the components of a professional relocation plan? Let me tell you …

Social Media SEO

Now more than ever, social media reigns supreme. Start adding hash tags of your new region to your Instagram, Facebook and blog posts right now. This will gain you valuable exposure before you’ve even relocated. In order to fully capitalise on this geographical groundwork, try to fit in some visits to your new region and start building real relationships with complementary businesses. Trade social media shout-outs and hashtags which will benefit both businesses, and also cement your authenticity in your new geographical area.

Now is also the time to add new tags to your website SEO that start driving visits from leads in your new region.


Evaluate your competition before you hit the ground. This research will fuel your value proposition and how you plan to differentiate your products/services from your competitors. Seek out what’s currently available and ask yourself how you can be better than they are.

Local Chamber of Commerce

Join your new local Chamber of Commerce. This simple act alone is proven to generate immediate business in a new area. Visit here to find your local CCIWA. Mandurah Chamber of Commerce can be found here 


Don’t rely on your own skills with SEO to get you over the line. Now is the time to pay for a professional SEO expert to ensure you’re not only discoverable, but ranking high in searches for your new local area.
My Online Guy did wonders for my website rankings.
Other website gurus are Gaye from Simply Savvy Web 
Eran Bucai – Expert in website and sales funnels

Create a Media Release

What is a media release?

No, media releases are not only reserved for Government and multinationals; yes, your business is worth one. The professionalism and formality of a media release adds gravitas to your online presence and shows you deserve to be taken seriously. Additionally, it creates an unparalleled shareable newsbyte that others can forward on to their unique audiences. Consider the diversity of readership between the Chamber of Commerce and your existing clients. Visit here to see an example


Relocation time is a great time to offer discounts and special offers. By doing this, you are liable to have work lined up before you even open the doors at your new location.

Invest in advertising

Now is not the time to skimp on advertising. While trying to break into a new market, it is wise to invest in paid advertising on platforms such as Facebook. While you may whittle back this expenditure over time, it is a valid investment in gaining new clients, their positive reviews, and referrals they may send your way.

Gift Vouchers

A great way to make this work for you is suggest to existing clients that they might purchase gift vouchers for people they know in your new area. You’d be surprised how many of them might be connected to people who will need your products/services, and also how mighty the gift voucher can be as a driver of new business.


Look at this move as a new lease on life for your business. Now is the time to update your business profile and professional image. You can couple this to your special offer, re-launching a crisp, fresh identity that has the power to quickly drive new projects. I generated $20,000 worth of new business in only 2 weeks when I employed this double down tactic.Branding DesignTelling Designs


Who are your potential new collaborators? Who can you find that complements what you are offering? Where can you value-add to each other? These questions will yield a range of options, so don’t be afraid to think outside the box.


If you’re able to operate your business free of a fixed location, take the opportunity to travel. Don’t forget to include your previous business location in your travels, so you can remain connected to your clients there. For me I aim to visit the Pilbara at least twice per year, Showing your face once or twice a year is often enough to keep yourself visible.

Business Advisory

The Small Business Development Corporation will have a local business adviser whose services are completely free. These gurus can be extremely helpful and supportive, as well as offering further networking opportunities. For the Peel Region ask to see Steve Walker, Steve is the Peel Business Advisor and he has a wealth of knowledge.

Word of Mouth

More than ever before, good reviews are essential. When you provide outstanding products/services you will leave an impact that creates a ripple effect worth more than gold. Generating a word of mouth powerhouse costs you absolutely nothing, and can last for years to come. People refer to a business they can rely upon, so don’t just rely on past clients to spread the word for you – get their permission to add their story to your socials and branding presentation. How you present yourself and how consistently you demonstrate your business values and standards will speak volumes. These processes build trust and help you and your business remain memorable.

In conclusion, scale up authentically and sustainably. Don’t go for broke and overextend yourself like I’ve seen some businesses do. You have time to grow, but you don’t have time to make mistakes or attract the wrong clientele. In addition, avoid the temptation to make yourself sound better by running down your competitors. Just don’t do this; it shows desperation and poor taste. Competitors can be a reciprocal source of referrals if you build respectful relationships. If one of you can’t fit a new client into your schedule, you can begin a nice practice of referring between yourselves so that someone can help them. This shows you don’t feel threatened and capitalises on the fact there is plenty of work out there for everyone, so you can afford to be graceful about it.

Learn More

I hope these pointers help and inspire you with a confident and successful move. Not only this, for existing and new businesses, you may find some of these marketing strategies helpful even if you are not moving. To learn more about my business Telling Designs you can visit here 

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Natasha Brady